Sunday, December 23, 2007

U fly or u flop – u decide!

This is my 5duit motivational post.

With the coming of the New Year and the review of my last year resolution; I am malu-malu-malu ashamed! I have nothing to be proud of, nothing much to show, nothing book-worthy story, no nothing, zero, zilch, nil, que dalle, Elek pochikk! So last year resolution carry forward again to this year…

I am feeling this same sort of emptiness for a quiet some times. I guess I have reached a point in my life where I start questioning the universe – lifefullfilling, soul searching, spiritual existence, personal excellence etc, etc…

I know that there is so much we can accomplish in this life while this life is short and temporary.
I remember one surah when I completed my Tafsir about a year ago:
"Dan mereka meminta kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) menyegerakan kedatangan azab, padahal Allah tidak sekali-kali akan memungkiri janjiNya dan (katakanlah kepada mereka): Sesungguhnya satu hari dari hari-hari azab di sisi Tuhanmu adalah menyamai seribu tahun dari yang kamu hitung."
(Surah Al-Hajj. Ayat 47)

Mak oi! I am astounded to read the time relativity mentioned here. Between this world and the world after. I remember I took out my calculator and figured out… supposing to live to 60years… and huh! Found out that I would about to live only a fraction of few minutes according to the time of hereafter.

Then I bumped into another surah in Al-Quran stated:

“Dan (ingatlah) masa Tuhan himpunkan mereka (pada hari kiamat kelak), dengan keadaan mereka merasai seolah-olah mereka tidak tinggal di dunia melainkan sekadar satu saat sahaja dari siang hari. Mereka akan berkenal-kenalan sesama sendiri. Sesungguhnya rugilah orang-orang yang telah mendustakan hari menemui Allah untuk menerima balasan dan yang tidak mendapat petunjuk (ke jalan mencari untung semasa hidup di dunia).”
(Surah Yunus. Ayat 45)

Perfectly true. I have to manage my time here. And I long have been plagued with this epidemic - procrastination. Delay in everything. I postpone. I defer. I put off. I m slow learning konon...
I am totally alert about such a law called Parkinson’s Law but I am too easily distracted. I far niente a lot…

Yes, life is a lightening short. I have to create time to be more productive. Life is like writing a book (or blog, in this case). Creating your own story. You are the main actor. With one page for every day. How you want to write the story. How you want to end your story. And surely one day you will end your story.
Whether you want to be outstanding or you remain sloppy. We all have dreams. We all have hopes. It is only the question whether we want to work it up. And all we have to do now is to choose how to spend the time we're given...

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