Thursday, February 26, 2009


wajarkah aku mendelete blog ini?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

lama dah...

mak oi! last sekali dia punya post last jan dulu. skrg dah nk tahun baru. nasib baik aku jumpa lg password nih. kalu x dah jadi sejarah dah.

orait. nanti aku cari apa2 yg menarik dan copy paste kt sini.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ipoh - mon petit chez moi

Make sure the background soundtrack when reading this story is Comme d’habitude, the original version of My Way.

I wake up in the morning, pick up my things and drive to work. The next day - ditto. Hitting the same road again and again and again… day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year… If there is no Kiamat I think I will do this eternally. C’est ma vie…

And I've decided. I will settle down here in Ipoh. Everything. Living here is tranquil peacefully calm and cool damn relaxing. I know this city very well, her temperament, her curves, her ups and downs, her caches.

And if there ever be evil force wanted to invade Ipoh again I know where to run. If there war between the good and bad force ever erupted (metaphorically speaking of course, you know what i mean, dont pretend...) I know where is safe. I know yes I know every corner and every turn. I know the place like the back of my hand.
I know where to get those pirated CDs. I know where the blonds blondes moonlight. I know where to get the best parking spot in every complex. I know by heart how they arranged things in Tesco.
Ipoh latest fly over.... Yee haa...the weatherq is clearq

Ipoh the place notorious for its leng luis fatale. Where shopping malls, food stalls, pasar malam et al are normally attended by eyes popping lai, lai, lai sale persons, promoters or helpers; and crowd that sleeveless and short pant sexy dressing kind of thing are apparently their second nature without second thought; and where a more than elsewhere towkeys flaunting their Mercedes while Hondas sidelining Protons; and where abundance and impressive limestone hills are our beautiful backdrop but their setback are totally ignored and their natural beauties restrained and predominated by the ever encroaching shrine, temples, gated community et cetera; and where roadside pamelo sale girls aligning preparing ready to defeat you naturally; and where the scattered and abandoned ponds legacy from decades of tin mining left the short-sighted authority no other thinking but to reclaim and construct a vast sink prone housing area. Dan banyak-banyak lagi…

Alas, alas, alas, this is the place I grow up. This is my kampong. This is my joie de vivre. My comfort zone. I do not need to fasten my seatbelt when driving around. If this is my life sentence I more than happy to accept, it is much better than others I think. I made my decision. A fateful choice. Between a living or a life, yeah...

No! Not even if you try to swirl me with the most brilliant wisdom or philosophy, not even if my BMI indicates me to start exercise now, not even if I mirror the horror pattern of cellulite accumulating haha, not even if the my prosperity look- alike tummy now needs liposuction, not even if my only chance to own a BMW is to participate the Petronas Super Car Craze contest saja. I will not budge an inch, no, no.

I am prepared to pencen here. Aging gracefully here. I will lay back, twiddling thumbs, digging nose and wondering what ler all this people rush, rush, rush… enjoying my lethargic life style and practising some kind of my own version of hedonism. But please not mistaken me. I have not lost my heart, my guts. I have not lost my savoir-vivre yet. Je pete du feu ici! I am farting fire here. I will strike when the timing is right. from my comfort zone.

Give back my Gunong View...!

sekian terima kasih

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

So you think you can think

Think again. Then think again. My inner-self has this quest – are we thinking what we should be thinking? I continue my falsampah here with that very BIG question especially for moi with big heart but little effort to kick start the New Year 2008 and the coming Hijra 1429, hopefully with a paradigm shift fully ingrained in my head and a new ‘esprit de corps’ properly installed.

If we ever noticed, Al-Quran in many verses urges us to think, hear, see or have sense. Many of its examples and parables insist us to ponder, to think, to reflect. It’s a normal features of the verses that ended with that invitations for us to start to analyse and to ponder over its subject and meaning like - have you think about it, for those who can think, for those who understand, Oh! you that understand, etc.

Al-Quran obliges us to think. It is a command from Allah. By thinking, evaluating and reasoning the ayats, we can intensify our faith, answer our raison d'ĂȘtre and strengthen our taqwa. By thinking of the many questions posed are also the essence of the glory of the past Muslim scientists and scholars in the fields of science and technology such as Ibn Khaldun, Al-Kwarizmi, Ibn Battuta, Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, etc. They rose to the glory by thinking of the many questions stated in the Quran – about this universe, about the magnificent creation of Allah, why is this, why is that, how was this created, how was that, how can we use this and that and etc, etc… They reasoned everything and made discoveries. They strived to find scientific explanation behind all while science and logic never replace their faith.

Now, lets look these few selected verses. I prefer to cite the Tafsir in my mother tongue as I found the meanings more profound, touching and captivating as compared with my newly adopted and twisted London’s tongue. Cari makan sikit. Before that, Achtung! I want to remind any soul there that I have not done any Islamic study and my interpretation might be wrong. Most of my thinking were done at the many abandon lombong (tin mines) at my place here in Manjoi. I warn you! I have to make this precautionary statement, I know. If you are interested to know the real details please refer to the authoritative Tafsir available aplenty on the net. You can do so by typing the equivalent surah name and the ayat numbers. There are overwhelming information more than you can handle. And you can be totally drowned in the ocean of blablabla (Hey! What I am thinking? I am writing for Time magazine or what. Anyway this article is made solely for my lone soul and my self prescription…).
Sesungguhnya pada kejadian langit dan bumi dan pada pertukaran malam dan siang, ada tanda-tanda (kekuasaan, kebijaksanaan dan keluasan rahmat Allah) bagi orang-orang yang berakal.
(Surah Ali Imran, Ayat 190)

This ayat is one of the many that oblige us to ponder the creation of this world. Every creation of Allah is a sign and evidence of His Existence, His Oneness and His Might. I remarked that in Al-Quran many verses call us to observe, to reflect and to study the various ‘signs’. And very often the signs in offer are very much related to our living world, our nature, our environment, our habitat. Those signs are indeed very close, very near and sometimes very obvious to us.

I want to relate now in this could be confusing essay with my ‘passion’ that I developed not long time ago – aqua planted. I am ‘playing god’ with my experimental 4 feet aquarium. I discovered many things in developing this hobby. It is not easy to create the natural aquatic habitat for my little creature called fish. I tried my best to imitate the nature and failed many times. Pardonnez-moi les poissons…. And I learned valuable lessons. It is impossible to have a sustainable tank (what?!). There is the nature equilibrium that I unable to create: The CO2 cycle for the plants (as the natural respiration from fish is not enough). The O2 in particularly at night as the plants inhale O2 during their night time. To create a sun with special fluorescence tubes of specific percentage of ray lights suitable for plants growth. To on and off the ‘sun’ with the exact time 12 hours per day as their day and night. The temperature and pH balance. The nutrients cycle to fertilise the plants to replace the natural sedimentation process. Creating under water current semblance of flowing water for fish playing ground, seek and hide.
Shopping the various kind of filtration system to maintain clean and clear water. Selecting the type of gravels to use. The correct mix and type of habitants – territorial fish, schooling fish, bottom grazer, mid range dwellers, algae eaters. The fish population dynamic for reproduction, the predator-prey relationship, the foodweb cycle, etc, etc, etc, etc… They all conjured up to me finally that in the real world there must be only one invisible force that take care all of the so called world chores. Through my experience, multiple ‘Lord’ (i.e. my wife, my son) can make the tank equation off balance and end up destroying the ecosystem when they tampered with my settings. By the way, if there every single god as claimed by each and every existing religion in this world today, to the trend of ridiculing and condemning each other, be rest assured, there must already a ‘war’ up there! There must be only one and only one supremacy power to govern this world. No power sharing.

psssst: all the photos are not mine....just yet.

(Al-Quran ini) sebuah Kitab yang Kami turunkan kepadamu (dan umatmu wahai Muhammad), Kitab yang banyak faedah-faedah dan manfaatnya, untuk mereka memahami dengan teliti kandungan ayat-ayatnya dan untuk orang-orang yang berakal sempurna beringat mengambil iktibar.
(Surah Sad, Ayat 29)

Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah berulang-ulang kali menyebarkan hujah-hujah di antara manusia melalui Al-Quran supaya mereka berfikir (mengenalku serta bersyukur); dalam pada itu kebanyakan manusia tidak mahu melainkan berlaku kufur.
(Surah Al-Furqan, Ayat 50)

Yang berusaha mendengar perkataan-perkataan yang sampai kepadanya lalu mereka memilih dan menurut akan yang sebaik-baiknya (pada segi hukum agama); mereka itulah orang-orang yang diberi hidayat petunjuk oleh Allah dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang berakal sempurna.
(Surah Az-Zumar, Ayat18)

The sahaba read only one book – Al-Quran. They modelled their lives after the Quran. They attained the highest pinnacle of moral development and achieved remarkable levels of knowledge. They set the foundation to the Islamic Renaissance or Islamic Golden Age, with Al-Quran as their main source of inspirations. It is this heavenly book that made them outstanding individuals in the history until to date.

Al-Quran has a mystical power that people constantly discovering miracles in it. Scientists are conducting research on the Quranic information and structure. Based on the Al-Quran’s emphasis on thinking and learning, the past eminent Muslim scientists penned some of the best and most eloquent praises of science that ever written. They became the unrivaled intellectual for philosophy, medicine, education and championed many other branches of knowledge.

Au contraire, we people of today proudly stated in our profiles that we read tones of books ranging from J.K. Rowling of Harry Potter fantasy series to the many other unknown famous authors. As student, we spent part of our life studiously read and peruse volumes of books glutted with complicated theories, formulas, concepts and fundamentals. We surf zillion hours on the internet for piles and piles of information. Worst, we nonchalantly derive our ideas from newspapers.

We are not cultivating our inspirations at the right place. The one book that has compelled, generated and triggered gazillion of initiatives and efforts. We bother not to read the book that is authored by our Creator. The book of Allah, the life manual, to understand its philosophy, teachings and instructions.

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Tidak sama yang buruk dengan yang baik, walaupun banyaknya yang buruk itu menarik hatimu. Oleh itu bertakwalah kepada Allah wahai orang-orang yang berakal fikiran, supaya kamu berjaya.
(Surah Al-Maaidah, Ayat100)

Dan tidak (dinamakan) kehidupan dunia melainkan permainan yang sia-sia dan hiburan yang melalaikan dan demi sesungguhnya negeri akhirat itu lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa. Oleh itu, tidakkah kamu mahu berfikir?
(Surah Al-An'am Ayat 32)

What do you think?

I reserve this last verse for moi…

Patutkah kamu menyuruh manusia supaya berbuat kebaikan sedang kamu lupa akan diri kamu sendiri; padahal kamu semua membaca Kitab Allah, tidakkah kamu berakal?
(Surah Al- Baqarah. Ayat 44)

All these reflections and thoughts will be meaningless unless I start them off with my self imposing questions such as where I am heading for, what I am doing here, what are my contributions, etc, etc. I know these questions will haunt me for answers as I read again and again this writings as I am the most frequent visitor of my own blog… Btw, self questioning is what actually drives the excellence of a person and what differentiates between a thinking man from a non-thinking animal. I pray (and please doa me too) to be in the best of iman and aqal for the years ahead…ameen

sekian terima kasih

Sunday, December 23, 2007

U fly or u flop – u decide!

This is my 5duit motivational post.

With the coming of the New Year and the review of my last year resolution; I am malu-malu-malu ashamed! I have nothing to be proud of, nothing much to show, nothing book-worthy story, no nothing, zero, zilch, nil, que dalle, Elek pochikk! So last year resolution carry forward again to this year…

I am feeling this same sort of emptiness for a quiet some times. I guess I have reached a point in my life where I start questioning the universe – lifefullfilling, soul searching, spiritual existence, personal excellence etc, etc…

I know that there is so much we can accomplish in this life while this life is short and temporary.
I remember one surah when I completed my Tafsir about a year ago:
"Dan mereka meminta kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) menyegerakan kedatangan azab, padahal Allah tidak sekali-kali akan memungkiri janjiNya dan (katakanlah kepada mereka): Sesungguhnya satu hari dari hari-hari azab di sisi Tuhanmu adalah menyamai seribu tahun dari yang kamu hitung."
(Surah Al-Hajj. Ayat 47)

Mak oi! I am astounded to read the time relativity mentioned here. Between this world and the world after. I remember I took out my calculator and figured out… supposing to live to 60years… and huh! Found out that I would about to live only a fraction of few minutes according to the time of hereafter.

Then I bumped into another surah in Al-Quran stated:

“Dan (ingatlah) masa Tuhan himpunkan mereka (pada hari kiamat kelak), dengan keadaan mereka merasai seolah-olah mereka tidak tinggal di dunia melainkan sekadar satu saat sahaja dari siang hari. Mereka akan berkenal-kenalan sesama sendiri. Sesungguhnya rugilah orang-orang yang telah mendustakan hari menemui Allah untuk menerima balasan dan yang tidak mendapat petunjuk (ke jalan mencari untung semasa hidup di dunia).”
(Surah Yunus. Ayat 45)

Perfectly true. I have to manage my time here. And I long have been plagued with this epidemic - procrastination. Delay in everything. I postpone. I defer. I put off. I m slow learning konon...
I am totally alert about such a law called Parkinson’s Law but I am too easily distracted. I far niente a lot…

Yes, life is a lightening short. I have to create time to be more productive. Life is like writing a book (or blog, in this case). Creating your own story. You are the main actor. With one page for every day. How you want to write the story. How you want to end your story. And surely one day you will end your story.
Whether you want to be outstanding or you remain sloppy. We all have dreams. We all have hopes. It is only the question whether we want to work it up. And all we have to do now is to choose how to spend the time we're given...

Monday, December 17, 2007


Our weather is becoming more and more erratic nowadays. When it rains, it rains like no tomorrow. It is very dishearten to see the effected population in various flood hit areas around this country lately. People are relocating to relief centres, the emergency teams boating struggling families, image of people wading knee depth water level is common. Some are found stranded on the roof top of their house waving for help. Baby, children, old and poor people are the most affected. Politicians are photographed donating basic supplies, smiling to the camera and hoping to use the situation for some political mileage. While crocodiles are said to be escaped and lurking in some areas. The same can be said to this kind of people. In many houses, furniture, electrical goods and all kinds of domestic items are damaged. In many kampongs basic utilities such as water supply, telephone, sewerage and electricity are disrupted. My heart goes out to all of them hoping that they will recover from this hardship and testing time.

So what is the cause of this disaster? There are several contributing factors. From the lack of visionary leaders to the apathetic attitude of our general public. Our so called entrusted administration failed to do proper physical town planning, bulldozing everything hastily in order to meet certain target of development status. Then, the greedy towkays, with the royal approved balak concessionaire, more than happy ravaging all our forest area, starting with legal permit then illegal. Then, our easily intimidated pengecut enforcement team which in many occasions fail to stand tall against the thugs and touts. Deforestation, population growth, urbanisation, plantation, pollution, etc, etc… We surely and clearly have disturbed the nature equilibrium that has existed for years. The nature that has its natural functions to counter the floods such as wetland, forest, mangrove, peatland, estuaries, et all. Our natural environment is degrading slowly. We cannot fool our mother nature no more. We are now beginning to pay for our long blatant disregard for its needs. It is so easy to start pointing fingers by now macam aku buat sekarang ini. But the real answer is you, is me and is us. It is us that elected those incapable representatives. It is us that fascinated by their pre election sweet talk and campaigning. It is us with our ignorance, our laisser faire, our tak apa, our greed, our lust, our wasteful act, to meet our social splendour, consumerism and the pressing needs of modern life.

So what to do? We must start capacity building. We must raise awareness. We must educate the public. We must eradicate poverty as with poverty comes all its ugly faces. We must change our 3rd class mentality. We must advocate sustainable development, understand the ecological sensitive areas, study the hydrological cycle, master the needs of nature and reason the much debatable issue of global warming phenomena… tak tau nak tulis apa lagi dah…I run for Manjoi Mayor, vote for me...

Sekian terima kasih

Saturday, December 15, 2007

My Xmas xperience (part II)

Meh! Sambung lagi…

Pakcik pun masuk le rumah diorg tu. Laa…ada anjing lagi..! Kali ni kechik comel punya, type mcm kartun Tin Tin tu. Warna bulu itam kenting2. Bila pakcik dok je kt sofa, anjing tu dtg dekat mula gesel2 kt kaki pakcik…degage!degage!...ish !ish ! tolak2...Tp kemdian tuup trus dia lompat dok atas riba. Laa..nak manja lak anjing nih...Akai pakcik pon jalan camne le nk naya anjing sekor ni lak… Tiba2 diorg panggil. Diorg introduce pakcik kt sume family dia… Diorg ada anak 3 org. Sorg sweet 17, sorg sunti dlm 13thn camtu dn sorg bdk laki dlm 10thn gitu. Kuarga angkat pakcik dlm umor 40-50an le camtu.

Baru je nak lepak smbang susun2 ayat. Mak angkat kata Meh! On n y va…Pakcik yg xtau pepe ni pon kut le. Diorg bwk le naik diorg punya bagnole yg xbebasuh brp lama tuh. Sampai tempat ramai…jiran2 pon ade…laa diorg bwk pegi eglise… Diorg bwk gi sembahyang raya…messe de minuit. Mlm raya christmast (xmas eve) tuh. Alamak! Camne nih? Masuk dlm eglise tu byk jemaah dh ade dh. Ada bunyi2 gospel music… suasana samar2…malap2 je. Ada lilin2. Ada cross besar. Ada patong besar. Sejuk..ceh! diorg xpasg heater ke dlm nih..

Kitorg pon ambik tmpt duduk kt bench tgh. Saf agak dpn gak le. Bila nak mula ceremony sembyg tu kertas lyrics pun diedar. Kmdian paderi dpn tu bg speech sket kmdian dia lead the worship. Nyanyi2 pun start le…Brapa lagu, hymns, sequences, pakcik x ingat dah tp jenoh jugak le. Pakcik baca lyrics tuh…laa nie bole tpelencong ni kalu ikut pakcik diam je lah…Kt lagu2 tu ada chorus2 dn ada part2 yg kita kena bangun kena duduk kena knee. So part bangun pakcik bangun le part duduk pakcik duduk le. Ada jemaah yg dh hapai lagu2 tuh dn ada gak yg xhapai. Satu part yg pakcik xlupe dn pakcik rase byk kali gak yg diorg ulang2 ialah aleluya…aleluya…aleluya…. kira2 mcm alhamdulillah kite le tuh. Bila part nih bole gegar jgak satu eglise tuh sbb ramai2 ikot. Dlm hati pakcik masa tuh asyik baca surah2 quran je…Masa tu pakcik baru le tau koleksi pakcik x byk rupenya…so pakcik ulang2 pepe yg tau je…yg tbyk setakat nih. Bbrapa jam pastu bila nk abis ada le tok siak (kot le…pakcik xtau nk panggil apa) kutip derma dr saf ke saf. Byk org gak bagi derma tu tp pakcik xbg pepe. Bila nk smpai saf pakcik mak angkat kuor duit bg kt pakcik. Dia suruh derma le tuh gamaknye. Pakcik ambik kmdian pass le kt tok siak tuh. Dia senyum. Bila upacara nyanyi2 tu abis sume org pon pakat2 baris satu line. Arah ke altar tuh. Pakcik pon ikot baris. Pakcik ingat diorg nak pi salam dgn tok imam tuh. No hal punye…tp rupa2 line up nk pi ambik holy communion tuh…alamak!...sekian terima kasih (to be continue…).